(Naval) 1890, U.S.S. Iroquois, three covers bearing Hawaii 1882, 5¢ ultramarine comprising circa 1890 uncancelled to Lt. C.A. Clarke on the Iroquois at Apia, Samoa, second with "Honolulu, H.I. May 1, 1890" duplex to Iroquois at Marshall or Gilbert Island- Pacific, crossed out and forwarded to Mare Island Navy Yard Cal.; and "Honolulu, H.I. Sep 9 1890" duplex on cover with purple "U.S.S. Iroquois" handstamp c.c. and addressed to Lt. Sewell at Mare Island Navy Yark Cal.; faults, Fine and interesting trio. Scott No. Hawaii #39 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350