(Naval) 1867 (Oct. 14) U.S.S. Franklin, Sheerness, England to Gideon Welles, Sec. of Navy, Washington D.C., cover with "U.S. Flag Ship Franklin, European Squadron" printed corner card, bearing G.B. 1s green tied by "699" grid of Sheerness, red London (10.15) backstamp with "21/Cents" credit handstamp, probably carried by Inman Line City of Paris from Liverpool to New York, red "N. York, Am. Pkt. Paid Oct 29" exchange cds; opened out for display and repaired at upper left, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. GB #48 Estimate $150 - 200.
The U.S.S. "Franklin" was on her maiden cruise touring Europe while this letter was sent. She was the Flagship of the European Squadron under Admiral David G. Farragut and this cover was probably sent by him to Gideon Welles.
Realized: $475