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Sale 56: The Westpex Sale

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United States Stamp Collections

Lot 2791 /o   

1861-67, 1¢-90¢ Issues, mostly used collection on six quadrille pages; starting with "August" issues with 3¢ first design (#56 in shades), and 10¢ (#62B, natural s.e.), multiple examples of most regular issues, #64 with blue town, 5¢ buff shades, 24¢ including steel blue, 4 each of 30¢ & 90¢ values, 5¢ shades, 24¢ lilac pair, etc.; many well centered items and ex Newbury, Hind, Neiken & Jessup items.
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

Realized: $5,000

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