United States Collection, 1845-1933, well formed */o collection housed in two Scott National albums; starting with Provisionals #9X1 on piece and unused 10X1, 1847 issues complete with colored numeral cancels followed by special printing card proofs, 1851 issues with denominations represented including 1¢ pairs and strip (one with the big crack plate flaw), 10¢ types I-III, 1857 issues with 1¢ types including type IV, 5¢ types including #28 & 29 used and a mint 30A, 10¢ types and higher values including mint 12¢, 24¢ & 90¢, completion in 1861-66 issues including 3¢ pink & 5¢ buff as well as high values, 1867 grill including essays and better issues including 3¢ C., D. & Z. grills, 2¢ Z. grill and a selection of E. & F. grills including #100, section of fancy cancels with good items including the West Meriden, Ct. Devil & Pitchfork and Waterbury, Ct. Mug as well as an array of others, section of N.Y.F.M. cancels (including on a #76), 1869 Pictorials complete including some additional and essay block, Banknotes with 1870 grill issues complete to the 15¢ mostly used (higher values with certs) and later issues virtually complete mixed */o with later issues predominately mint, small banknotes complete mint, Columbians complete and mint to the 50¢, also including a 3¢ plate block of 8, bureaus somewhat sparse with some better values, Trans-Miss complete (mint to the 10¢), Pan-Ams complete with a few plate multiples, 1902 definitives to the $1 mostly mint and a few booklets, Louisiana and Jamestown complete mint, mint Wash-Frank issue strong including 1908-09 issue complete, good coils including some nice pairs, dollar values, Pan-Pac issues complete mint, #505 in block of 9, strong completion in 4th bureaus including Kans-Nebr complete, etc., back-of-the-book with complete mint airmails including Zepps, complete mint Special Deliveries & Parcel Posts, also Offices in China missing only #K15; a nice collection with bright fresh mint and nice used items, accompanied by 38 certificates. Estimate $15,000 - 20,000.
Realized: $20,000