1856 (Feb. 25) Le Havre, France To New York, N.Y., folded cover bearing France 20c and 40c tied by lozenge cancels prepaying double the 30c rate by Ocean Line, red "Le Havre 25 Fevr 56" origin cds, carried by Ocean Line Hermann arriving Mar. 16th, black "N. York Am. Pkt. '21' Mar 16" integral due cds for 16¢ packet fee plus 5¢ internal, F.-V.F., Although this special 30c/60c rate to the United States, via the Ocean Line steamships from Southampton, remained in effect until June 1857 (the last westbound mail-carrying voyage of the Ocean Line steamships), very few examples have been reported. Estimate $150 - 200.
Under an additional agreement of 1 October 1851, letters could be sent from France to the United States by way of the Ocean Line calling at Southampton. Since these letters were forwarded directly from France to the American packets, never entering the British postal system, the French prepayment remained at the non-contract ship rates previously applied to letters sent by direct American service from Le Havre. As of 1 August 1849, these rates were established at 30 centimes per 7½ grams for letters sent from the port of departure, and 60 centimes per 7½ grams for all other mail.
Realized: $300