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Sale 55: United States Postal History

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Colorado: Animas City to Denver

Lot 381    

Denver City C.T. Mail Handling Affidavit, 1862 document docketed "Evidence from Denver City, rebutting charges vs. Overland Co. as to dumping mails on side walk etc.", with enclosure in full:

Post Office Denver City, CT, Decr 2 1862

Hon. Geo. B. Mclellan (sic)
2nd Asst. P.M. General
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir,

Yours of the 22nd of Nov is at hand containing statements of charges being made to the Department that the mails were thrown off the Overland coaches in front of our door and by us allowed to remain there over night & underfoot of the people.

In reply to this charge I will say that the
whole thing is a falsehood from beginning to end. & in order to substanciate (sic) this denial I have requested all of our leading business men to address a letter to the PM of this office stating whether or not they have ever discovered any such neglect of our duty & the law. That letter I enclose to you.

The mails for California are not delivered to this office but are kept in the office of the Overland Mail Co. until morning or the departure of the next western coach.

Hoping this letter together with the inclosed may satisfy the department of the falsness (sic) of the charge referred to.

I am
Your Obt Servt
D.H. Moffat asst P.M.

Further letter on reverse from Secretary of Colorado Territory, Samuel Elbert, attesting to Mr Moffat & Mr Cantu's integrity; some minor fold splitting, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

The frontier environment and inadequately trained personnel of the early 1860's contributed to many complaints about the handling of the mail.

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