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Sale 55: United States Postal History

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American Indian Related Postal History

Lot 22    

[Indians - Sac & Fox Nation] "Agency For Sacs and Foxes, Osage River, Feby 5th 1847", dateline on folded letter signed by the Indian Agent John Beach to Burlington Iowa, entered mails with "Westport Mo., Feby 10" postmark and matching "10" rating, he is arranging for payment of a treaty award to an Indian girl who has just attained the age of 18 years: "I am glad to hear that the Farrar half breed is of age, for it is some trouble and one bond the less, under which to be held…all I need as a suitable receipt and satisfactory evidence of the woman's majority, which probably the Dept. will require. The receipt of course to be signed by her - unless being white, under wardship as non compos, it would be deemed more advisable to forward the receipt of the guardian in which case the facts should be properly supported. But probably the half breed's receipt only witnessed, will be the least trouble. The receipt…may embrace this form. -" and "Received [place] Octo. 26th 1846, of John Beach, U.S. Indian Agent, One Thousand Dollars, being the sum granted to me by the Sacs and Foxes, per treaty of Sept 1836…", this letter was carried privately from the Agency to Westport where it entered the mails for Burlington; Very Fine.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $475

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