Slavery Related Collection, balance of collection including Kansas Territory related, includes 1851 letter from Robert J. Walker who was the 4th Terr. Gov. of KS, 1855 letter from Leavenworth City K.T. mentioning town election of free state candidate against pro-slavery with many pro-slavery Missourians coming to vote, 1856 National Kansas Committee letter, 1856 appeal of the Young Men's Kansas Assoc., 1866 civil war pension agency circular saying "colored soldiers are entitle to receive bounty…can apply for and receive pensions equally with white…", 1856 "Alphabet of Slavery" circular, three Banknotes showing slaves, few unused patriotics including John Brown, 1860s "Co. I, 10th Regiment, C. V." corner card for colored volunteers; etc., some mixed condition, Fine and interesting collection (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950