City Despatch Post Endorsement Letter, 1842, folded letter with red "New York, Jan 18" cds and matching "Free" handstamp, to Postmaster General Wickliffe in Washington D.C., datelined "New York, Jan 17 (1842)" from old friend and owner of the New York Express newspaper, James Brooks, accompanied by news clipping and letter content reminding Wickliffe of previous recommendation of a City Despatch Post type carrier system…I enclose you an advertisement showing that private enterprise other than the Post Office is starting an enterprise similar to that I suggested to you.…I have no doubt this private enterprise will make money. If to it were added the letters of the Post Office - an endorsement of its character & security, how much your revenues might be increased?; light over toning and some separation along folds, Fine, this is the Earliest Known Advertisement For the City Despatch Post which would commence business the following month. Estimate $300 - 400.
About six months later, Wickliffe authorized the purchase of the City Despatch Post from its owner, Alexander M. Gregg, thereby creating the base for the New York carrier system.
Realized: $2,500