(Dates) 3¢ Orange Brown, Type I, First Day Cover, position 45R1E, ample margins to into frameline at bottom, tied by neat red grid handstamp on folded priced current sheet to Boston, Mass., matching "Mobile, Ala., Jul 1" First Day of Issue cds, datelined and docketed July 1, 1851; cover refolded and vertical crease affecting stamp, Fine, still a lovely First Day of Issue cover of the 1851, 3¢ Orange Brown used from Mobile, ex Hulme; with 1989 A.P.S. and 1989 P.F. certificates. Scott No. 10; $12,500 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
In the 1851 Sesquicentennial book, Wilson Hulme records 43 first day usages of the 1851, 3¢ orange brown in his census. Only two verified examples are known from Mobile, Alabama.
Realized: $4,250