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Sale 54: The Winter Auction

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Newspapers & Periodicals

Lot 2625

Stamps - An Illustrated Monthly, New York: Crawford Capen. Vol I#1 Oct 1896 complete Vol III#12 Dec 1899. Nos 1-36, bound in red buckram c black label (Smith #19700, Crawford #787), plus New York Miscellaneous, seventeen complete or partial runs of periodicals (1876-1915) including Buffalo Philatelist. (1889).* Collectors' Own. (1876-77).* Independent Philatelist. (1884-91).* International Philatelic Advertiser. (1889).* New Yorker. (1911-12).* New York Philatelic Society Bulletin. (1924).* New York Philatelist (New York City). (1878-79).* New York Philatelist (Brooklyn). (1910-11).* Northern Philatelist. (1895).* N.P.S. Bulletin. (1895).* N.Y. Philatelist. (1890).* Philatelic Observer. (1888).* Empire State Stamp Journal. (1890).* Mohawk Standard. (1887).
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $280

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