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Sale 53: The Richard Warren Collection of Confederate States

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Prisoner of War Covers - Northern Prisons

Lot 4536    

Confederacy, Chesapeake General Hospital, Hampton Va., two covers and two letters related to this prison, first letter only datelined "Chaffins Bluff Va., Oct 2nd 1864" to Mrs. William Arnold from Lt. Ed. J. Williams, Co. I, 31st NC Inf informing her that her husband was captured by the enemy in an attempt to retake Fort Harrison, second is orange prisoner's cover with "U.S. Christian Commission" imprint to Mrs. Ann M. Arnold at Chalk Level N.C. with bold "Old Point Comfort Va. Oct 22" cds and 1861, 3¢ rose possibly replaced, partial Richmond Va. Nov 15 cds and matching "Due 10" rating handstamp, docketed from Pt. Arnold and "Wounded in Hospital, please forward", accompanying the cover is a one page letter from Private Arnold to his wife dated Nov. 17, 1864 stating that he is doing well and hope to hear from her soon; the final cover bears 1861, 3¢ rose tied by partial "Old Point Comfort Va." cds to Prof. W. H. Parker at Middlebury Vt., pencil docketing "John W Parker, Chesapeake General Hospital, Fortress Monroe Va. Aug 10th '62" where he was a hospitalized Union soldier; a Very Fine group.
Scott No. 65    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.


Chesapeake Hospital was about 3 miles from Fortress Monroe. The U.S. General Hospital was used periodically during the war to treat captured wounded Confederate prisoners. Private William Arnold of Company I in the 31st NC Infantry was wounded and captured as a POW at Fort Harrison (Va.) on September 30, 1864. He was hospitalized at Fortress Monroe (Hampton General Hospital) and assigned to Ward 6. He was transferred to Point Lookout on March 2, 1865 and released on June 3, 1865. Corporal John E. Parker was a Union soldier in Company A of 6th Vt. Infantry wounded at Savage Station (Va.) on June 29, 1862. He was hospitalized and recovered only to be wounded again at The Wilderness on May 5, 1864.

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