Confederacy, "Campagnole, Ark Jan. 21", manuscript postmark and additional manuscript "x" ties 1862, 5¢ green, two singles, on blue 1862 folded letter addressed to Trevillians Depot Va., endorsed "Please drop this at some office in Va.", apparently overweight with added "Due 10" rating, letter datelined "Mt. Holly, Jany 16, 1862" and sender states that he was sending it by a soldier going to Virginia but apparently dropped in Ark. instead, letter forwarded with "Trevillian's Depot Va. Mar. 8" cds and manuscript "Due 10, Forwarded" rating for double-weight under 500 miles to Martinsville Va.; one stamp with toned spot, Very Fine and scarce forwarded use. Scott No. 1 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525