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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico - 1868-72 Full Face Hidalgo Issues

Lot 412 /o   

Mexico, 1868, 6c-50c Hidalgo Issues, 6 exhibit pages showing retouches on each of the four thin figure values, along with a normal stamp without retouches for comparison, 6c - 8 retouches and 5 normal, 12c - 3 retouches and 2 normal, 25c 7 retouches and 5 normal, 50c - 2 retouches and 1 normal, 6c Stone A, 12c, 25c and 50c Stone B, nicely illustrated study, 34 stamps, Very Fine.
Scott No. 46-55    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $250

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