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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico - State & Provincial Postal Markings

Lot 362    

Mexico, Zacatecas District Covers, four folded letters; Fresnillo (YB Z56), 28 December 1836, fancy 3 on front and a 2 on the reverse - both manuscript, complete letter, Fresnillo (YB Z57), 7 May 1854, 1r rate, dated and docketed letter with box postmark, Mazapil (YB Z87), 22 May 1848, 3r rate, "por Nieves", complete docketed letter, San Miguel Mesquital (YB Z90), 25 April 1846, 2r rate manuscript and in red, docketed wrapper, Deluis correspondence., Very Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $85

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