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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico to Sweden

Lot 3154 /o/   

Mexico, 1891-95 Numeral Issue Exhibition Collection, balance of the multi-gold exhibit of Mexican Numerals: The Unwatermarked Issue of 1891-1895. A very important group mounted in the original exhibition pages, including all the values from 1c to 25c in different shades. The stamps include many unused blocks of 4 and several sections of bold cancels from towns such as Chicontepec, Chignahuapam, el Julian, Barca and Coyuca. Perfs 11, 12, 5½, 11 x 5½. Many of the rare perforation errors are presents in pairs: 6c horizontal imperforate between unused, the 10c horizontal and vertical imperf between. Unlisted errors are included such as 5c vertical pair of imperf between, or the 5c imperforate single. A fantastic large block of 10c with a "3" plate number in the center, and another used with a #1. Important multiples unused include the scarce sheets of 100 of the 3c vermillion perf 5½ (Sc# 233=$900), the 4c vermillion perf 5½ (Sc# 234= $4,000) and the 12c vermillion (Sc# 219= $1,400). The 30 selected covers or wrappers and other postal history are all exhibition quality. They include magnificent printed matter and the rare official rates. A block of ten 1c cancelled in Polotitlan, a return double postal card uprated with perfins doing the round service, foreign destinations such as Hungary, Buenos Aires or El Salvador, small towns such as Barras (450 inhabitants) Acuitzeo or Tingüindin, a fantastic official registered cover with a strip of 5 of the 6c to Europe, mixed frankings with German stamps, and what may be one of the most scarce bold cancels on cover from Noria de los Angeles.
Estimate    $4,000 - 6,000.

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