3150 o/
Mexico, 1884 1c-25c Hidalgo Issue - Town Cancellation Collection, outstanding collection of rare and bold cancels on Hidalgo Medallions mounted in exhibit pages unpicked out of a multiple gold medal exhibit. A very balanced display of all values from 1c to 25 (including many from the difficult 2c, 3c, 6c and 12c too). Total 180+ stamps. All have bold and beautiful cancels, most socked-on-the-nose including several multiples and blocks of 4. Many small towns included. This was formed out of the best cancels in the tens of thousands cancelled stamps once owned by Jay Bard who spent 50 years collecting this issue. Mounted in the original exhibit pages. Included are cancels from small towns such as Tamazula, Guaymas, Tepeocauilco, Calpulalpam, Mesquitic, Huejotzingo, Guadalcazar, La Esperanza, Tecali, Huajechula, Ojuelos, Manzanillo, Mojelito, Cholula, Nochistlan, Cosamaloapam, Catemaco, Pahuatlan, Alaquines, Irolo, Coatepec, Chalchicota, Asientos, Guanacevi, Tecax, Tlacotepec, Rinconada, Sierra Mojada, Nombre de Dios, Miahualco and several unrecorded. Scott No. 150-159 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.