Mexico, Collection, 1834-1971, well formed collection on pages in 4 Godden albums; starting with 8 stampless covers including a 1834 folded letter from Hamburg, Germany to Mexico via London and Veracruz, complete 1856 issues with multiple issues showing various districts, cancels, 4r bisect & 8r quadrisect on piece, similar 1861 issues with items on piece, 8r green on brown singles, etc., 1864-66 Eagles highlighted by a unused 3c brown, 1866 Maxillian issue with the the rare 7c litho. issue used (Scott #31, cat. $5,500), 1867 Gothic issues including the 4r red (Scott #39, cat $3,250) and gray blue paper complete including additional 1r pair, few Guadalajara provisionals, full face Hidalgos including variety and "Anotado" issues, 1872 Hidalgo issues with better and variety, complete 1879-82 Juarez issues including the 1882, 100c orange used, 1884-85 Hidalgos including 5p-10p values used, following Numeral issues with better ruled lines issues, strong Mulitas with complete 1895 issues, 1913 Sonora issues with a used 5c Cananea (#321, cat $800) and later issues including full sheets, strong later regular issues with variety and better sets to 1947, airmail issues with excellent virtually all mint completion with some used on scarce issues and includes Sarabia issue n.h. (signed Kessler) with issues up to 1971; a lovely collection with the 1867-68 rarities needing to be checked for genuine. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.