United States Mint Balance, 1895-1907, of virtually mint never hinged singles and mostly blocks on stockcards, with each item accompanied by a 2012 P.F. certificate; includes a selection of n.h. small bureaus, Trans-Miss issue with 1¢-50¢ blocks of 4 and $1-$2 singles all n.h., Pan-Am issue complete in n.h. blocks (1¢ block of 6) with additional blocks, 1902 definitives with blocks up to the 13¢ with additional, Louisiana issue complete in mixed pairs and blocks, Jamestown complete n.h. blocks, back-of-the-book issues with E6 block and a run of 1896 newspapers; condition a little varied with bright fresh material throughout, worth careful evaluation. Scott No. 268//PR125; $50,155 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $12,000