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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

Table of Contents

United States Stamp Collections

Lot 2720 /o   

United States Collection, 1847-99, used collection on album pages with some mint in back-of-the-book; starting with 4-margin #1, 1851 issues with values to the 10¢ including #12, 1857 issues with values to the 12¢ including #22 with fancy Lyre cancel and 5¢ brick red, 1861-66 issues including high value to the 90¢, selection of 1867 grills, Pictorials to the 30¢ with additional, Banknotes including most grills represented including 90¢, later with strong completion and many high values, small banknotes complete, bureaus with later dollar values, Columbians to the 30¢ and complete Trans-Miss issues, back-of-the-book with useful Officials, strong Dues including mint #J37 (cat $2,000), selection of used Newspapers with some proofs and facsimiles, some carriers (amid dubious), C.S.A., envelope cuts, telegraph and revenues with good first issues including large margin $25 Mortgage imperf (cat $1,600) and similar $50 unused, perf's high value and later; condition varies.
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

Realized: $5,000

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