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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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United States Stamp Collections

Lot 2718 /o   

United States Collection, 1847-1980, mostly mint housed in Scott album, with a high degree of choice well centered stamps throughout; starting with used #1 and a selection 1851 issues */o, 1861 issues with mint including 3¢ rose, 5¢ brown, 2¢ black, 30¢ & 90¢ values, 1869 Pictorials including well centered 6¢, 10¢-30¢ denominations present, Banknotes with a few good mint issues, mint mid-value small banknotes, Columbians & Trans-Miss Issues complete mint, Pan-Am complete, 1902 definitives complete to the $5 mint, selection of later commemoratives including Pan-Pac issues, Wash-Frank issues sparse but with choice later singles, dollar values present, W.P. souvenir sheet, etc., back-of-the-book with 1st-2nd issue airmails and Ducks with choice centered early issues on; with overall condition well above the norm with XF items the rule rather than the exception.
Estimate    $5,000 - 7,500.

Realized: $10,000

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