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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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1870-1879 Bank Note Co. Issues

Lot 1508    

1873, 6¢ Dull Pink, used with 1873, 3¢ green, both tied by French auxiliary "Trouve a la Boite/ P. 35" (Found in the Box) framed marking on 1874 cover to Paris, France, red "New York 'Paid' Aug 25" exchange cds, blue Brest (9.7) entry cds and small red "PD" framed h.s., "Forwarded by Munroe & Co." oval backstamp and remailed with France 15c. ceres perf. issue to Paris street address; flap tear, Very Fine, an unusual use with the French auxiliary marking tying the stamps.
Scott No. 159 + 158    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $250

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