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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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1869 Pictorial Issue

Lot 1499    

1869, 15¢ Brown & Blue, Type I, Horizontal Pair, tied by cork cancel paying double the 15¢ per quarter ounce rate (April 1, 1857 to December 31, 1869) on cover to France, treated as underpaid with "New York, 18, Jun 19" cds and "Insufficiently Paid" straightline handstamp, "16" decimes due handstamp crossed out and blue boxed "Pd" handstamps (Paid to Destination) applied at Calais; right stamp slightly overlapping edge at right, Very Fine, a rare and unusual multiple usage of the 1869, 15¢ Brown & Blue, Type I issue on cover; with 1995 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 118    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Sent via Inman Line - Per steamer City of London, departing New York on June 19th and arriving at Queenstown on June 29th and at Liverpool on June 30th.

Realized: $900

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