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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Transatlantic Mails - Europe - Switzerland

Lot 1272    

1864 (Dec. 17) Chicago Ill. to Undervelier, Switzerland, orange buff cover with blind embossed "James Forter Jr. & Co., Opticians" corner card and bearing three 1861, 3¢ rose singles, two with nat. s.e. at right, and one 1861, 10¢ green single, prepaying the 19¢ treaty rate, red "N. York Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid' Jan 7" exchange cds with red manuscript "16" credit to Hamburg, carried by Hapag Line Saxonia from New York Jan. 7 to Hamburg arriving Jan. 20, Hamburg (1.20) arrival backstamp and "Franco" scrip straightline plus red crayon "4" Sgr. credit, various backstamps including Undervelier (1.24) arrival; couple trivial stamp flaws, Very Fine, One of only six recorded letters sent from U.S. to Switzerland under the 1860 U.S.-Hamburg Convention.
Scott No. 65 + 68    Estimate $400 - 600.

In June 1860, the prepaid letter rate from the U.S. to Switzerland was reduced to 19¢ per ½ ounce when sent via the U.S.-Hamburg Convention. The U.S. was entitled to only 3¢ per ½ ounce on letters sent aboard German steamships. Despite the fact that this convention remained in effect until the end of Dec. 1867, it appears that very little mail was exchanged between the U.S. and Switzerland via the U.S.-Hamburg treaty. Winter records only six letters via Hamburg mails (Winter Vol. II, page 969).

Realized: $1,250

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