1855 (Oct. 31) Bristol, England to Bath, Me., blue folded letter docketed in pencil "Oct. 31st Pilot left the Tonquin" at top, entered mails with Bristol (11.5) cds, London "3/Cents" debit h.s. to U.S., carried by Ocean Line Washington from Southampton Nov. 7 to New York arriving Nov. 27, "New York Packet '24' Nov 27" debit exchange cds and matching "34" due rating h.s., Very Fine, a scarce cover showing annotations of pilot service. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter was written on board the Bark Tonquin as a report to the ship's owner, after clearing Bristol harbor, loaded with railroad iron and bound for New York. It was given by Captain Windsor to the pilot to take ashore and post. Apparently, the pilot remained at sea for a few more days, finally giving the letter to the Bristol marine insurance agent, M, J. F. & Alexander, who posted it unpaid on November 5 at Bristol, acting as a forwarding agent. For reasons unknown, the Bristol clerk sent the letter to Liverpool, but it was too late for the steamer, and had to be sent to London, where it was prepared for the next steamer, an American one from Southampton.
Realized: $145