(Discriminatory Rate) 1847 (Oct. 23) London, England to New York, N.Y., folded letter with red London (10.23) origin Maltese datestamp and red manuscript "1/-" prepaid packet rating, carried as endorsed by Ocean Line Washington from Southampton Oct. 24 to New York arriving Nov. 9, upon arrival in U.S. red "24" cent due rating handstamp for the 24¢ American packet fee, Extremely Fine, Illustrated in Winter Understanding Transatlantic Mail, Vol 1, page 94 (Fig. 3-49). A scarce discriminatory rate carried on the second return voyage of the Ocean Line Washington. Estimate $500 - 750.
The Ocean Line was awarded the first US Post Office contract for US mails under the Foreign Mails Act of 1845. Two steamships were built, the "Washington" and the "Hermann" and they operated the contact over its 10 year term between New York and Bremen with a stop at Southampton. The Washington inaugurated the service leaving New York June 1st 1847 arriving Southampton June 15th.
The commencement of the service led to Britain imposing a "Discriminatory Rate" on mails landed at Southampton with all US prepayment ignored and the One Shilling Packet Rate charged to the addressee leading to the Retaliatory Rate period.
Realized: $1,150