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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Transatlantic Mails - Europe - Germany (1847 to 1859)

Lot 1159    

1857 (Jul. 7) Schwientochlowitz, Prussia to New York, N.Y., cover with Schwientochlowitz (7.7) origin cds and sent unpaid, Bremen (7.9) and manuscript "10/20" debit rating, carried by Vanderbilt Line Ariel from Bremerhaven July 11 to New York arriving July 29, "N. York U.S. Pkt. '30' Jul 29" exchange debit cds, some light aging and wear, Fine, the discovery example of N.YORK U.S. PKT. 30 cds, Ariel brought the first contract mails into New York for the Vanderbilt Line.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

This was the first trip advertised to carry regular post office mails by the Vanderbilt Line. Prussian post office marked 2x2=4 silbergroschen for internal German transit fees. Bremen showed breakdown of total fees, 10 grote (10¢) German and 20 grote international fees for double rate letter.

Realized: $250

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