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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Transatlantic Mails - Europe - Germany (1847 to 1859)

Lot 1158    

1856 (Feb. 9) New York, N.Y. to Germany, folded letter at two-times the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate with black "N.York Am. Pkt. '46' Feb 9" (Winter 18) exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Fulton from New York to Havre, red Aachen (2.26) and arrival backstamps, blue manuscript due ratings, F.-V.F., This was the Maiden Voyage of the Havre Line Fulton.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

The steamer Fulton was delayed 48 hours en route due to icebergs.

Realized: $170

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