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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Transatlantic Mails - Europe - Germany (1847 to 1859)

Lot 1153    

1854 (Feb. 2) Horb, Wurttemberg to Uhrichsville, Oh., double-weight folded letter with "Horb/2 Feb 1854" two-line postmark, Bremen (2.6) backstamp and manuscript "14/30" marking for postage and transit fees, carried by Ocean Line Washington from Bremen Feb. 24 to New York arriving Mar. 16, black "N. York Brem. Pkt. '44' Mar 17" debit exchange cds, remained undelivered and unclaimed for more than seven months, returned as dead letter to New York with red "Not Called For" fancy ribbon backstamp, returned to Bremen on Ocean Line Washington, returned unpaid letters were rated 41 kr. per loth so total due was "1f22" (82kr.) shown in manuscript, reverse shows "Commission fur Retourbriefe" label applied by Wurttemberg post office, some wear, Fine, A rare returned transatlantic letter from Wurttemberg.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $140

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