1863-1874 U.S.-France Mails - Depreciated Currency Markings, group of 32 stampless and two stamped covers inbound with various depreciated currency markings, includes 1863 Aug. 27 Boston "30/38" cds, French Packet Mensale/28 Juil. 65 double circle postmark on folded letter from Turkey with N.Y. "30/42" cds, 1865 Nov. 16 from Rome with manuscript "78/54" dual rating, two 1866 from Argentina with N.Y. "30/41" cds and "30/39" cds, and 1870 to Philadelphia with "In U.S. Notes/30" circular h.s.; range of ratios mostly with the dual rating cds, many with scarce French packet markings and some with different accountancy handstamps, Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $2,100