1865 (Dec. 4) London, England to Greensboro, Ala., cover bearing G.B. 1s green tied by London (12.4) duplex, red "21/Cents" credit h.s. to G.B., carried by Baltimore & Liverpool S.S. Co. Mexican from Liverpool Dec. 9 to Baltimore arriving Jan. 5, red "Baltimore Am. Pkt. Jan 6 1866" exchange cds, Very Fine, this was the only voyage of the Mexican for this steamship line. Estimate $300 - 400.
In November 1865 an exchange office for British mails was established at Baltimore, Maryland. Mails carried directly to and from Liverpool by American contract steamships was processed here instead of being sent to New York. The Baltimore & Liverpool Steamship Company, which had the American contract between Baltimore and Liverpool, was in operation for only three years. Covers carried by this steamship company are quite scarce.
Realized: $3,000