1861 (Dec. 5) Havana, Cuba to Locle, Switzerland via New York, blue folded cover with blue Havana merchant oval, "New York Am. Pkt. Dec 5" exchange backstamp and matching black "32" cent debit rating h.s., carried by Hapag Line Bavaria from New York Sep. 14 to Southampton arriving Dec. 29, red Calais (12.30) transit, Locle (12.31) arrival backstamp and large magenta "230" rappen due rating, Very Fine, Scarce example of French Treaty mails from Caribbean to destination beyond France. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter, sent unpaid in the French mails, carried from Havana to New York by Spofford & Tileston Company steamship Columbia. New York marked 2x16¢=32¢ debit to France for ¼-½ ounce letter (2x10¢ transit from Caribbean plus 2x6¢ transatlantic fees). Swiss marked letter for 230 rappen postage due, double rate letter from the U.S. by French Treaty.
Realized: $230