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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

Table of Contents

Foreign Country & Worldwide Collections

Lot 3804 /o   

British Commonwealth, Revenue Collection, approximately 2,000 stamps arranged and identified on stockpages in binder; nice basic representation throughout with dozens of countries represented, includes West Indies / Caribbean with Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica including embossed duty, St. Vincent, etc., North & Central Africa with Uganda, South Africa with issues from Union of South Africa, Stellaland, C.G.H., Griqualand, Transvaal, etc., Europe including Ireland including embossed adhesive issues, Gilbralter with stamp issues KEVII to the 8sh and KGV with values up to the 10sh mostly mint (as these issues where used for both postage & revenue), Indian Ocean states with a good run of Ceylon issues, Mauritius, North Borneo, etc., Asia with a good showing of Hong Kong and Strait Settlements; includes some on document items.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,000

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