Official Seal - Typeset, black, rouletted 16½, setting 4, used in combination with 1888 Government Typograph Seal (Setting 6, OX7), which has the scarce Type F plate flaw, 2¢ 1895 Issue on cover to Providence R.I. with "Ranger Ind. Mar 31" cds, reverse with "Don Juan Ind Mar 31 1900" cds, Providence machine receiving postmark ties typeset seal, few typical flaws as usual, Very Fine, This is the only recorded cover combining the typeset and government seals. One of the most important post office seal covers., ex-Richardson. Scott No. LOX8f Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The typeset seal was applied by either the Ranger or Don Juan post offices, both of which were fourth class offices. Like other fourth-class post offices they did not have access to the government seals and had to purchase typeset seals from private vendors. Upon arrival at the first-class Providence post office on April 2, which did have access to the Government Printing Office produced seals, the 1888 seal was affixed.
In addition to being the only known cover with both types of seals, this is also the only known on-cover example of the scarce Type F plate flaw of the 1888 Issue.
Realized: $475