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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

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Postmasters' Provisionals

Lot 1831    

Confederacy, Nashville, Tenn., 1861, 5¢ violet brown, large margins except just touching frameline at bottom, tied by blue "Nashville, Ten./Sep. 23, 1861" cds with matching "PAID" handstamp on cover to "Col. T. H. Logwood, Care of Genl. Pillow, Memphis Tenn." with directions to forward at Memphis, flap torn, Very Fine and attractive, Rich with military history as well as a great provisional use., ex-Green & Walske; with 1986 C.S.A. certificate.
Scott No. 61X5    $4,250.

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Logwood commanded "Logwood's Battalion" of 6th Tennessee Cavalry which merged into the 7th Tennessee Cavalry - later also 15th and 16th - Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest's command. General Gideon Johnson Pillow (1806-1878) military bio included.

Realized: $2,700

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