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Sale 44: The Westpex Sale - Important Worldwide Stamps and Covers

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U.S. Collections: Stamp Collections

Lot 3412 //o   

Consignment Balance, 1847-1950. Box stuffed with glassines, dealer sales sheets, etc., containing a substantial accumulation of mainly better items; note #1-2 used & on cover, valuable showing of early imperfs and perf issues, 1869's, Bank Note's; amazing group of $5 Columbians and other early commemoratives, some Washington-Franklins and later regulars, much commemoratives from Pan Americans, Louisiana Purchase & Panama Pacific issues; airmails from C1-6 with duplication, C10a booklet panes with duplication to perhaps 8 or 10; C13-15, many other earlier airmails; this lot needs careful examination to value properly, condition generally F-VF with minor faults on some earlies, o.g., hinged or never hinged.
Estimate    $5,000 - 7,500.

Realized: $8,500

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