Samoa, 1898, 2½d on 1sh Rose Carmine, Black Handstamp Surcharge. In combination with 1895, 1d green, perf 11, pair and single on registered cover to San Francisco, Cal., tied by "Apia, Samoa, Sep 1, 98" cds with matching straight line "Registered" handstamp alongside, in conjunction with U.S. 1895, 2¢ carmine, pair and two singles tied by San Francisco oval handstamp, purple "Registered, San Francisco, Cal, Nov 17, 1898" oval date stamp, reverse with printed H.M.S. "Porpoise" on backflap and manuscript "PM, Apia, Samoa" postmaster notation; third 2¢ stamp replaced, Very Fine appearance (Odenweller 219). Scott No. U.S. 267. SG No. 83+58 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $675