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Sale 44: The Westpex Sale - Important Worldwide Stamps and Covers

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The Kotanchik Post Office Seals Collection: Post Office Seals (OX11-OX18)

Lot 1650 /o/   

Balance of 1917 gray black on white Issue. Group of stamps and 6 covers including used block of 6 with Providence precancel, perf varieties including blocks with extra perfs and small hole/large holes, imperf pairs, imperf block of 12 and block of 16 imperf horizontally, covers include 1920 incoming registered from Indo-China and another censored from China, extra perf single on cover (confirms not all errors were printers waste), five miss-perfed seals repair cover, etc., Very Fine, a wonderful group handpicked for exhibition.
Scott No. OX18    Estimate $400 - 600.

Realized: $900

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