Lot 2052
United States Postal History Literature Balance, approximately 30 publications; titles including Norona Cyclopedia of U.S. Postmarks and Postal History, Blake & Davis Boston Postmarks to 1890, Konwiser Postal Markings, Kendal Maryland Postal History, Skinner & Eno U.S. Cancellations 1845-1869, Bomar Postal Markings of U.S. Expositions, Loso & Windt 20th Century U.S. Fancy Cancellations, Dow Maine Postal History and Postmarks, Chase & Cabeen First Hundred Years of U.S. Territorial Postmarks 1787/1887, Phillips American Illustrated Cover Catalog, Langford Flag Cancel Encyclopedia, Merolla & Crowther Post Offices of Massachusetts, Alexander Simpson's U.S. Postal Markings 1851-61, Bechtel Arizona Statehood Postmark Catalog, slogan & precancel publications, etc.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170