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Sale 42: Worldwide Stamps & Covers

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General Foreign - Mexico (1868, 6c-12c Hidalgo Issues, Thick Figures, Imperf

Lot 1673    

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Veracruz. Imperf, cons. 2-70, margins large to touching at bottom left, tied by "Veracruz, Abr 15" cds (Schatzkes 1757A) on 1870 folded letter to Genova, Italy, carried by French Paquette Boat to St. Nazarie and then to its destination, French "56" accountancy marking, Italy 1l + 2l Postage Dues (1l nick at bottom) tied by "Genova, Mai 11" cds's, Very Fine.
Scott No. 59    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $625

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