(Trail Letters) (Santa Fe) From U.S.A./Santa Fe. Sender's notation on army occupation period stampless folded letter headed "Santa Fe New Mexico Jan. 16th 1848", the notation evidently anticipating the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, from Mexican-American War soldier Charles W. Abbott to a reverend in Lebanon, Illinois, carried up the Santa Fe Trail by military express to the unorganized territory assigned to Missouri and mailed with Fort Leavenworth, Mo. (now Kansas) large cds with "Mar 14" manuscript date and "10" manuscript rate marking, lightly silked at the folds, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter mentions "our Reg. is still cooped up here in this place having nothing to do but drill! drill!… we have no prospect of any fighting, for all the enemy that could be mustered in N.M. has lately been attacked and beaten." and "New Years and Christmas passed of quite dull except that some of the soldiers took themselves a little furlough and got drunk. On New Years Day we buried one of the lieutenants of the Reg… We always bury the dead with much parade and with military honors." and "The Mexican congress that has convened here… have passed some good laws, one is that the Mexicans may bury their dead free from the charges of Catholic priest… Many others were passed and put into effect which will benefit this ignorant and superstitious people.".
Realized: $900