1926-1962, U.S. First Day & Event Covers. Attractive group of 500 or 600 items, including some early such as #589 8¢ Grant, 622 13¢ Harrison with Indianapolis cancel, Washington 1932 Bicentennial set on one cover, Wakefield House cachet; also Y. Souren cover complete set & several sets of singles or pairs and several stationery items; 620-621 blocks of 4 on D.C. Nickles FDC; also several other cities with combination FDC; various 2¢ reds uncacheted; plus box of later 1930's to 1962; note 1932 Olympics, 1939 Baseball with nice cachet; later cachets unaddressed or light pencil; few event covers and flights; bit of oxidation on some early covers, generally F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625