South Carolina Stampless Covers, 1793-1860. Diverse group 96 covers (no Charleston) with an excellent array of manuscript and handstamp townmarks; highlights including 1830 Bishopville manuscript, 1807 Cheraw Ct.H. manuscript, 1833 Catfish manuscript (with a crude catfish handstamp on front), unlisted 1850's Danielton manuscript, 1837 Erwinton cds (A.S.C.C. listing example), 1843 Fish Dam manuscript (A.S.C.C. unlisted) with content regarding "The Great Comet", Georgetown including 1807 manuscript, 1849 Gladden's Grove manuscript and 1853 Glenn Spring to Germany, 1832 Greenville oval (paid and unpaid rates), 1847 Hamburg red cds and fancy "X" in circle rate handstamp, 1850's Harmony College cds (A.S.C.C. listing example), 1843 Indian Fields manuscript (only known), 1860 Little River (2 known outside archives), early 1820 Pineville manuscript, Pocotaligo including 1815 war rate, 1835 Parks Store manuscript, scarce 1812 Robertville Black Swamp manuscript, 1830 Spartanburg cds (unlisted), 1802 Union Ct. House manuscript, 1829 red York C.H. with pointing hand "Paid" handstamp, 1850's Zeno manuscript, etc.; condition a little mixed with clear readable strikes throughout, generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,900