Bamber & Co.'s Express (1858-1873). 19 covers beginning with one plain envelope (legal size) sent and returned collect, one plain envelope with 1857 3¢ and three 1861 or 1864 3¢ pink entires all with handstamped franks (one "Bacon & Hardy Oakland Office"), seven 1864 3¢ pink entires with printed franks (one "W. B. Hardy's Office Oakland"), two with printed corner cards, then one incoming 1864 3¢ pink entire with Wells Fargo frank, five 1870 3¢ green entires with printed franks, one uprated with 3¢ green and mailed from Antioch to Canada, another with printed corner card and uprated with 3¢ green x 2 and mailed from Mission San Jose to Germany, and finally an additional 1870 3¢ green entire that is a posthumous Whitney use of a Bamber frank from Somersville, company handstamps from Oakland and San Francisco with several conjunctive uses with Wells Fargo, lot also includes a cover cutout from "Camp Allen, Oct 12 /63", a Wells Fargo cover with a Whitney printed corner card, an 1874 3¢ green entire (front only) with a Whitney frank, and an 1898 Oakland postal cover with a "People's Express & Transfer Co." printed corner card and franked with a revenue stamp, mixed condition, Fine overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700