Arizona Covers. 49 covers & cards, 1870's-1910's, including 1882 Wells, Fargo & Co. to Prescott, fancy 1883 Globe county & postmaster; another Globe on 1906 with illus Kinney House advert; 1885 McDowell with bold star; McDowell 1908 on Indian School Service corner card; manuscript 1883 Jerome; 1879 Camp Thomas cds to D.C.; small purple Camp Grant with matching star in circle killer; 1886 Silver King with oval grid; 1881 Tucson + "Forwarded" in circle duplex; fancy Tempe sawtooth + star killer; 1870's bold Aribaca with negative star in circle; and many more, mixed condition, many F-VF, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375