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Sale 35: The Autumn Sale

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United States General Collections

Lot 3596    

United States, Reference Collection, 1863-1893. Collection neatly mounted and annotated in German on quadrille pages, with Columbians complete set to $5 with large "Imitation !" overprints in red or black, with duplicate dollar values; additional 9 values to $3 with smaller overprint; balance of collection consists mostly of extensive Newspaper stamps, including 11 large designs either forgeries or with "Facsimile" overprints, and 1875-85 designs to $60, 57 examples including shades, all with small "Facsimile" overprints; also forgeries of high value State Dept officials to $20 and a few miscellaneous classics including 5 90¢ Washington, etc; interesting lot worth viewing.
Estimate    $200 - 250.

Realized: $325

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