Confederacy, Roper Hospital, Charleston, South Carolina. adversity cover made from Bank of South Carolina check in blue from Charleston, South Carolina to the Army of the Potomac, endorsed at the top left "Via Flag of Truce, J.S. Hammell, Lt. Col., Prisoner of War, Charleston, S.C.", the cover entered U.S. postal system at Port Royal, South Carolina with their double circle postmark dated Sep. 1 (1864) with matching "Due 3" handstamp, sent via local flag-of-truce with Confederate manuscript "Ex" examined marking at bottom left, original enclosure datelined "CS M Prison Charleston S. C. Aug12th 1864" which mentions capture at Petersburg and being moved to Macon ("the principle rendezvous for poor Yanks who were so unfortunate as to be gobbled up") and of awaiting whisky by the Commissioners of Exchange ("it is the only hope which saves us from sinking into utter dependency"), cover with left flap missing, Very Fine, a wonderful & rare usage; with 2001 C.S.A. certificate. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Lieutenant Colonel John S. Hammell, Company I, 66th New York Infantry, USA, Captured June 17, 1864, at Petersburg, Virginia.
Realized: $1,250