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Sale 35: The Autumn Sale

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Confederate States: Confederate Patriotic Covers

Lot 3158    

Confederacy, "Our Homes" Patriotic. The second rarest of all Confederate patriotics next to the Hanging Lincoln; elaborate allegorical scene over entire left end of envelope: Confederate soldier defending home, family and 11-Star Flag with "Our Homes" in upper panel and Northern pointing the way to a negro carrying a bundle and flag in the lower panel with broken bust of Lincoln, horn-of-plenty and "Protection", small tone spots, otherwise Very Fine, This is New Dietz type MS-2 and catalog $5,000 over 20 years ago for a used example when the "Hanging Lincoln" cataloged $6,000 - the second largest catalog value by a long shot, one of only three known of which one sold in our February 16, 2008 sale and realized $2,600 hammer, accompanied by 1959 letter from George Malpass stating he knew of only one specimen changing hands in the past ten years.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,900

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