Confederacy, 1863, 10¢ blue. bottom sheet margin example with plate "No 3.", tied beautifully struck red "Petersburg, Va/Oct. 13" (1864) cds on turned cover to "Mr. H.D. Newton, At the Third N.C. Hospital, Charleston, S.C.", soldier records indicate that Henry D. Newton was a hospital steward with Co. A S.C. 15t Batt. Infantry and also with Field & Staff Hospital Stewards CS Infantry, inside use is franked with 1863 10¢ deep blue (#11, close to huge margins) tied bold "Charleston, S.C." cds and addressed to "Corp. T.E. Newton Co. I 27th S.C.V. Hagoods Brigade Receiving & Forwarding Hosp. Petersburg, Va.", Very Fine and choice, exceptional cover with two superb sides both with medical addresses. Scott No. 12+11 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $650