Confederacy, 1863, 10¢ blue. Lovely four margin example, tied by bold "Macon, Ga." double circle postmark on 1863 turned legal size cover to "Surgeon N.S. Crowell, Medical Director of Hospital, Charleston, S.C.", endorsed "official" at top left, inside usage franked with 1863 10¢ greenish blue (four margins) tied by "Charleston, S.C." cds to "Surgeon E.W. McCrary, General Hospital No. 2, Columbia, S.C.", forwarded from Columbia, S.C.to Martins Depot, S.C. (stamp missing), included is hand written application for leave of absence for Surgeon McCrary as he is suffering from fever and is unfit for duty, also included is printed letterhead "Headquarters, Columbia S.C., Special Orders No." & manuscript "84" granting Surgeon McCrary a two day pass, Very Fine. Scott No. 11 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170